What is your morning routine?

Morning routines are quintessential to daily success and set the tone for your day!
I wake up every morning at 5am, make myself a warm apple-cider drink with some ginger and meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes. I incorporate a visualisation method that I have developed over the years that commences with my breathing, visualising the air entering my lungs via my nose and throat, making my diaphragm and tummy expand on the inhale and contract on the exhale. I bring all of my attention to this process until I have established a measured, calm and prolonged breathing pattern. When my mind begins to wonder (and it will wonder!) I bring my attention back to my minds eye (the temple area between your eyes). I then begin to visualise myself from above, as if there was a camera above my head panning out to the universe. After a while I feel a part of something universal and connected to everything in the universe.
I have been meditating now for ten years and can tell you that it gets easier and after a while you can't get through your day with out it (!), because it gives you the mental resilience, energy, compassion, patience and tolerance required to be a happy, healthy, considerate and mentally fit individual!
After my morning meditation, I alternate between going for a 20 minute run or doing a gym workout at home. I exercise 6 days a week (break on Sunday) and have been meditating everyday for about ten years now.
So if you're reading this, please share your routine!