"Naturally, the decision to seek out a therapist or a life coach is a very personal one. It might help to imagine yourself getting ready to climb a mountain. You could either hire an expert sherpa and guide for your expedition or a doctor. Which should you choose?
If you are physically unwell, or would be in danger if you even attempted the climb, a sherpa and guide wouldn’t do you any good. You need to be at a baseline level of good health before you can make the climb at all, so if you’re not, you might need to see the doctor before trying something that challenging. However, if you’re healthy and just need someone to help you with climbing strategy, carrying the load of supplies and finding the best path, the sherpa and guide is the best bet.
The therapist is like the doctor in this example. He or she gets you well enough to take on major challenges in your life by exploring your mental and emotional well-being. The life coach is like the sherpa and guide. He or she has an expert knowledge of your climb and can help you reach the summit.
A life coach would be able to offer guidance by:
Clarifying and achieving personal and professional goals
Creating business plans
Working to improve communication skills
Achieving financial independence and security
Achieving a work/life balance
Starting a new business or growing a current business
A therapist, on the other hand, focuses their conversation on ways to:
Recover from past traumas
Explore why past relationships (business or personal) have been destructive
Work through depression or anxiety that affect your ability to function at home or work
Survive a divorce or loss of a loved one
Although life coaches and therapists occasionally help clients with similar problems, their work is not the same. In order to get the right kind of professional expertise, it is crucial to know which kind of guidance will serve you best. Life coaching isn’t simply a watered-down version of therapy. It is a dynamic discipline designed to help motivate and inspire people to achieve more than they believe is possible."
Excerpt taken from: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/coaching/life-coach-vs-therapist/
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