One of the most rewarding parts of what we do here at TOMI is empowering young adults to activate their potential and achieve their goals!
We do this by covering a range of quintessential topics in our empowerment presentation that don’t always form part of mainstream school curriculum. For instance:-
Cultivating Resilience;
Exercising Mindfulness;
Using Critical Thinking;
Dealing with Bullying/ Harassment;
Developing Leadership Skills;
Collective Mindset Activation;
Developing Positive Habits;
Utilising Life/ Career Plan;
Driving Force/ Motivation Implementation.
We also share stories (such as losing my father to lung cancer when I was in yr. 12) and motivate students by showing them real life examples of leading individuals who faced massive set-backs & adversity before going onto achieve great success.
TOMI's interactive delivery of its cutting-edge content, combined with & our ability to relate & connect with students, allows us to deliver a truly inspiring & empowering presentation that will not only serve students well in the years to come but will remain with them for life!
Should you like to make a booking or have any questions about our Empowerment Presentation please feel free to contact me at paul@tomi.org.au