For thousands of years, people have talked about the higher self, an inner essence able to connect to higher states of consciousness and materialise our greatest virtues and aspirations, but often lies beyond our everyday thoughts and ability to bring into fruition.
It's emerged in the teachings of spiritual leaders, psychologists, and philosophers alike. From the profound insights of Buddha to modern psychologists like Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow, there is a consensus that this inner essence exists, and understanding the higher-self can help us learn more about who we really are and what we're capable of.
Understanding the Higher Self
At its core, the higher self represents the transcendent aspect of human consciousness—the divine spark within each of us that transcends the limitations of the ego and connects us to a larger, universal truth. In the words of Carl Jung, it is the "Self" with a capital 'S'—the archetype of wholeness and integration that resides at the centre of our psyche.
Throughout history, various spiritual traditions and psychological theories have explored the nature of the higher self, offering different perspectives on its significance and implications for personal growth and spiritual awakening. Whether framed as the Atman in Hindu philosophy, the individuation process in Jungian psychology, or the less talked about pinnacle of self-transcendence in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the higher self serves as a beacon of wisdom, guidance, and connection to elevated consciousness.
In simpler words, the higher self is like our inner compass, guiding us towards what matters and helping us feel connected to something greater than ourselves.
Applying the Concept of the Higher Self in Modern Life
In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, the concept of the higher self remains illusive but is relevant as ever, offering a roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern living with grace and purpose.
Here are three key elements through which we can apply the principles of the higher self to cultivate a deeper understanding of our inherent potential to create a greater sense of well-being, fulfilment and purpose, ultimately leading us to becoming the higher self:
i. Robust Self-Care Regime:
At the heart of aligning with the higher self is the cultivation of a robust self-care regime that nurtures both the body and mind. This includes practices such as maintaining good nutrition, prioritising adequate sleep, engaging in mindfulness & meditation, and fostering meaningful relationships. By honouring the physical vessel we inhabit and nurturing our mental and emotional well-being, we create the environment for our higher self to grow and thrive inside us.
ii. Inner Work:
Another essential aspect of connecting with the higher self involves engaging in inner work—exploring and transcending the unhelpful conditioning and limiting beliefs that we all have. We can do this through practices such as introspection, journaling, coaching, therapy, and meditation. By facing our fears and embracing our authentic selves, we can become more in tune with our higher selves and feel more whole and connected.
iii. Profound Connection:
Ultimately, those who align with their higher self experience a profound connection with something greater than themselves—a sense of unity with the divine, nature, or a higher purpose. This connection transcends the boundaries of the individual ego and fosters a deep sense of belonging and interconnectedness with all of creation. Whether through contemplative practices, communing with nature, or acts of service and compassion, nurturing this connection makes us feel fulfilled and gives our lives meaning.
A Tool for Creating Connection with the Higher Self
In our journey towards becoming the higher self, it's important that we gain clarity around who we are today and who we're becoming tomorrow. Answering the question, "Who am I?" is a simple yet profound exercise to stimulate this process.
The objective here is to write a single paragraph consisting of four sentences to elucidate the higher-self, that can eventually be recited to create consistent familiarisation and alignment with its essence. Here is the framework you'll need:-
Your Objective Self: Begin by looking beyond the labels and identity imposed upon you by society—career, culture, religion, or nationality—and attempt to define your objective self in one sentence. This is the essence of who you are in a collective macro sense. For example, "I am one of 8+ billion people alive on this planet at this point in time."
The Selfless You: Next, reflect on the roles you fulfil in your life that bring value to others. These could include roles such as partner, parent, friend, mentor, or caregiver. List them out and reflect on how you contribute to the well-being and happiness of those around you.
Your Attributes: Finally, consider 3-5 positive attributes that you possess today and write them out. Then, reflect on this question: "What positive attributes do I not quite have a grasp on yet, but I know I need in order to achieve my potential and become my higher self?" These could include qualities like confidence, self-discipline, empathy and authenticity. List 3 to 5 of these "higher self attributes" in the fourth and final sentence, however begin the sentence with "I am..."
Upon completion of these steps, you have created your higher-self paragraph or mantra. To connect with your higher-self, use this mantra in a daily simple meditation where you:
Close your eyes, focus on the breath and recite the paragraph. When you get to the last sentence however, it's important to slow down your breathing and connect to your higher-self attributes by imagining that you already possess them. Then finish the meditation with a direct request to your higher-self: "Show me what it feels like to be confident"...
Do this for each of your higher-self attributes, with the objective being to create and feel the positive associated emotion that is attached to that attribute. This will take time but will start to flow with some consistency. You may also find it beneficial to repeat this practice before you go to sleep, reinforcing your connection with the essence of who you are and who you're striving to become.
This is the great familiarisation process. By engaging in it regularly, you'll start to merge with the higher self—the part of your being able to transcend limitations and connect with the vastness of existence. Remember, the journey to the higher self is not about reaching a destination but about embracing the process of self-discovery and growth with openness, curiosity, and compassion along the way.
Embracing the Journey
By embracing practices that nurture our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and engaging in inner work to transcend the limitations of the ego, and cultivating a profound connection with something larger than ourselves, we align with the divine essence that resides within us all—the higher self.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, may we remember that the path to the higher self is not one of perfection but one of authenticity, compassion, and grace—the journey of becoming ourselves, in service to the greater whole.
[This practice forms an integral part of our mindset & performance coaching program.]
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Xin Yi Ng (Michelle) & Paul Pitsaras